Subject: Minutes of Meeting Held on Monday, September 28, 2015
Present: Mark Gleckman, Rick Harris, John Wilkinson, John Lucey
Excused: Diane Doyle, Steve Salvo
Convened: 7:09 PM at Town Hall
The meeting was called to order by Mark Gleckman at 7:13 PM.
- Minutes of Prior Meeting: Motion was made to approve the minutes of the August 24, 2015 meeting. The motion was made by John Wilkinson and seconded by John Lucey.
- Employee Issues: None
- Personnel Actions and Job Vacancies:
- Mark Gleckman reported that he, Diane Doyle, and Rick Harris classified three additional jobs this month: Animal Control Officer, Chief of Police, and Deputy Chief of Police.
- In the process of making classifications, several typographical and other minor wording changes were identified. Mark and Rick have volunteered to do a detailed review of the Classification Manual and in the process identify any changes that may require formal approval (Town Administrator approval; By-law changes; etc.)
- Mark will find out from Tracy Blais if additional jobs need to be classified.
- Discrimination/Ethics Issues:
- It was noted that John Wilkinson is mentioned by name in the Employee Handbook as the person to contact with Discrimination/Ethics Issues. John will discuss with Tracy the best way to update the Handbook once his move and subsequent resignation takes place.
- Safety Issues:
- A second letter has now been submitted by the Police Union to the Town Administrator protesting working conditions, specifically air quality. In addition one employee has requested clarification regarding the policy for reimbursing employees for medications needed to combat illness brought on by poor air quality. No further action by the Human Resources Board was deemed necessary at this time.
- Other Business:
- John Wilkinson is leading the efforts to recruit new members to fill a current opening and an additional anticipated opening in the Board. The meeting was attended by a potential new Board member, Mary Leonard. Mary is an HR professional currently working as an HR generalist at NextEra Energy Resources in Seabrook. Mary will address further questions to John Wilkinson.
- Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Human Resource Board will be held on Monday, October 26, 2015 at 7:00 at Town Hall.
- A motion was made by John Lucey and seconded by John Wilkinson to adjourn at 7:35.
Adjourned: Approximately 7:35 PM
Scribe: Rick Harris
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